Welcome to Troop 210 in Conneautville, PA
Overview of BSA Troop 210
In the town of Conneautville, Pennsylvania there is Boy Scout Troop 210. Under the direction of Valley United Methodist Church, the troop currently has at least 25 members. Boy Scout Troop 210 is part of the Chief Kiondashawa District, French Creek Council: Pennsylvania and Ohio. The boys have a event usually planned out for every month.
Our Mission
The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make ethical choices over their lifetime by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law.
Upcoming Events and Calendar
If you would like to know what is happening our how something went, click on one of the links below
Calendar of events
Troop 210 on Facebook
Like our Facebook page to follow all our latest activities. Search for Boy Scout Troop 210 in Conneautville or use this link: https://www.facebook.com/bsaconneautville/
What's the Best About BSA Troop 210?
• Our Troop meets Tuesday evenings at the Valley UM Church in Conneautville or at the Scoutmaster's Home in the Summer Months.
• All boys who have completed the 5th grade, or who are in the 5th grade and have earned the Arrow of Light, or who are at least 10 or 11 years old may join.
• Parents are encouraged to take an active role in troop leadership, and are always welcome at troop meetings. There are many ways parents can assist – ranging from weekly meeting program support such as Assistant Scoutmaster to committee functions such as Advancement, Equipment, Transportation, Finance, to sharing specific skills or interests. Training is provided.
• We have a well-rounded calendar of activities, including camping and hiking, summer camp, community service projects, skills development, fun stuff (ask for details) and career and hobby exploration.